Procurement Intelligence & Operations

Valintel works with clients achieve high performance through procurement BPO by supplementing in-house capabilities with thought-leadership tools and end-to-end process management that lowers risk and increases speed-to-value.

As a global provider of sourcing and procurement services, Valintel helps clients to build and operate high performance procurement organizations through the international marketplace with flexible solutions as well as our higher level of technical intelligence.

Achieving commercial business success in a volatile global marketplace requires the vision to continually shape and reshape the negotiation process along with the ability to engineer and reengineer the desired outcomes on an ongoing basis. This needs to be done despite the obstacles and challenges that appear after your goals and objectives are known.

Valintel clients understand that they must constantly negotiate to create and capture value and structure within their complex agreements. This challenge becomes exponentially more difficult when dealing with suppliers with power in vertically integrated solutions, especially when there are high costs to switching and/or few options.

Most companies have good instincts in sensing when they are in a situation where they can hemorrhage value when dealing with suppliers with enhanced power. In this instance, however, most clients mistakenly react by acting fast and trying to project a higher degree of control than they actually have. Also, some companies in these situations may rely on coercive tactics and try to defuse tension at nearly any cost.

The end result may be a compromise that fails to address the real problem or opportunity, increases resistance from the supplier that makes agreement impossible and sours future negotiations. This may result in a failed relationship with neither mutual respect nor trust, and ultimately an agreement that creates enormous exposure to future risk.

Valintel’s negotiation team works with you to achieve enhanced success in these often dire situations.