Business Process Outsourcing (Technology)

BPO Services Overview

Valintel’s BPO Solutions provides flexible, cost efficient staff argumentation that enables clients to supplement their own teams or address acute skill shortages with Valintel talent who have specific business process operation skills.

Our professional team is experienced, skilled, multi-lingual and highly motivated. We free-up your valuable in-house staff to focus their expertise where it’s most needed in your business while the Valintel team provides an infusion of fresh ideas and innovation.

Your business gets the best value with intelligence and technology

Procurement Intelligence
Valintel leverages our market intelligence to benchmark your agreements, investments, and relationships as well as perform a gap analysis between the economic and strategic value of your deals versus market optimized conditions to focus on your opportunities for improvement.

Optimization Process & Cost Reduction

We’ll leverage our negotiation methodologies to provide decision-making support “at the bargaining table” and supplier negotiations assistance to ensure you get the protections and flexibility you need to capture maximum value in your commercial arrangement now and in the future.