IT Optimization & Supply Chain Management

All too often, the buyer of new technology (software, hardware, etc.), is confronted with dozens of forms of legitimizing items: websites, printed documents, testimonials, multiple supplier contacts praising the subject matter of the purchase, etc. Each of these legitimizing items is inteded to push the perceived value of the subject matter higher and higher.

Valintel’s “Market Intelligence” is proprietary to our business model and reserved for our client negotiations. This wealth of historic, trending, and current IT spend data is the legacy of information that we have built, while serving the unique needs global clients and across a spectrum of 1500+ different technology suppliers. It is a knowledge base built through negotiating similar deals over and over again.

This database enables us to identify, quantify, and effectively remediate IT supplier agreements that are not optimially structured, nor inclusive of the most favorable terms and conditions, and not priced and valued effectively. Most buyers do not have this resource within their organization simply because most they only deal with a specific supplier, at most, a few times per year and do not have visibility into the quantity of deals across suppliers, industries, and geographic areas necessary to assemble this type of data and obtain the best results. This Valintel process has proven to be transformative, not merely incremental.

We do not focus purely on obtaining the lowest purchase price (although that is certainly a critical element of our offering). Valintel ensures that you achieve the lowest sustainable cost at the highest sustainable value for the best technology solution and with the best technology provider. We further ensure you stay at that “Optimum Value Point” throughout the life of your contract so that you do not hemorrhage value due to static, ineffective supplier management strategies.

Generating sustainability in your key technology investments. Valntel help you analyze your options, optimize your investments, and negotiate the best deals with your key technology suppliers resulting in dramatically improved strategic and economic value to your organization.